Sunday 24 August 2014

Environmental science and engineering (EVS) Question Bank (8 marks)


1. a) Explain in detail the causes, effects and control measures of Deforestation
    b) Discuss the problems of fertilizers and pesticides of modern agriculture
2. a) Discuss the effects of dams on forests and tribal people
    b) Discuss the various types of land degradation with its causes and solutions.
3. Write short notes on causes effects and control measures of soil erosion
4. Write short notes on environmental impacts of mining
5. Write short notes on renewable energy resources

1. Explain in detail the structure and component of an eco system.
2. Explain the characteristic features and functions of forest eco system and aquatic eco system
3. Explain the characteristic features and functions of Grassland eco system and Desert eco system
4. Write short notes on food chain and food web
5. Write short notes on ecological succession and ecological pyramids
6. Write short notes on i)Genetic diversity ii) Species diversity iii) Ecosystem diversity
7. Write short notes on threats to bio diversity
8. Write short notes on hotspots of biodiversity
9. Discuss India’s mega-diverse biodiversity
10. a)Explain the In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity
      b) Discuss the values of Bio-diversity

1. Explain in detail the causes and effects of air and water pollution
2. Explain in detail the causes and effects of marine and noise pollution
3. Write short notes on (i) Bhopal gas tragedy and (ii) Chernobyl disaster
4. Write short notes on Disaster management
5. What is an earth quake? Enumerate its effects. What measures should be taken to mitigate this disaster?
6. Explain in detail the causes, effects and control measures of NOISE and THERMAL pollution.
7. Explain in detail the process of solid waste management

1. What is sustainable development? Discuss in brief the concept of sustainable development.
2. What are waste lands? Name and discuss the various methods of waste land reclamation.
3. Write notes on (i) Global warming (ii)Ozone layer depletion (iii)Acid rain
4. Write notes on Water shed management
5. What is rain water harvesting? Name and discuss in brief the types of rain Water harvesting.
6. Write note on salient features of Environmental protection act and wild life protection act
7. Discuss the salient features of Forest act
8. Write note on salient features of water act and air act

1. Explain the term population explosion. Enumerate its effects.
2. What is value education? Discuss the concept of value education.
3. Discuss in detail the role of Information technology in environmental management and human health.
4. Explain the activities of family welfare programme.
5. Discuss the problems, diagnosis and control of AIDS.
6. Write a note on women and child welfare.

Monday 18 August 2014




1.      What are the eight great ideas in computer architecture?

2.      What are the five classic components of a computer?
3.      What is the function of data path and control path?
4.      What is instruction set Architecture?
5.      Define application binary interface
6.      Differentiate DRAM and SRAM.
7.      Compare Volatile and nonvolatile memory.
8.      List the advantages of Network Computer.
9.      Define VLSI
10.  Differentiate Throughput and Response Time
11.  Write the CPU performance equation.

12.  If computer A runs a program in 10 seconds, and computer B runs the same program in 15 seconds, how much faster is A over B.
13.  Write the formula for CPU execution time for a program
14.  Write the formula for CPU clock cycles required for a program.
15.  How will you measure the dynamic power dissipppation?
16.  Define – Stored Program Concepts
17.  What are the fields in an MIPS instruction?
18.  List the advantages of multiprocessor over uniprocessor.
19.  What are the different types ofoperands? Give examples
20.  List the different addressing modes

1.      i)Discuss in detail about Eight great ideas of computer Architecture.(8)
ii) Explain in detail about Technologies for Building Processors and Memory (8)
2.      Explain the various components of computer System with neat diagram (16)
3.      Discuss in detail the various measures of performance of a computer(16)

4.      Define Addressing mode and explain the basic addressing modes with an example for each.
5.  Explain operations and operands of computer Hardware in detail (16)

6.      i)Discuss the Logical operations and control operations of computer (12) ii)Write short notes on Power wall(6)

7.   Consider three diff erent processors P1, P2, and P3 executing the same instruction

set. P1 has a 3 GHz clock rate and a CPI of 1.5. P2 has a 2.5 GHz clock rate and a CPI of 1.0. P3 has a 4.0 GHz clock rate and has a CPI of 2.2.
a.  Which processor has the highest performance expressed in instructions per second?
b.   If the processors each execute a program in 10 seconds, find the number of
        cycles and the number of instructions.
c. We are trying to reduce the execution time by 30% but this leads to an increase of 20% in the CPI. What clock rate should we have to get this time reduction?
     8.Assume a program requires the execution of 50 × 106 FP instructions,110 × 106 INT instructions, 80 ×            106 L/S instructions, and 16 × 106 branchinstructions. The CPI for each type of instruction is 1, 1, 4, and 2,        respectively.Assume that the processor has a 2 GHz clock rate.

     a.  By how much must we improve the CPI of FP instructions ifwe want the program to run two times            faster?

    b.  By how much must we improve the CPI of L/S instructionsif we want the program to run two times              faster?

    c.  By how much is the execution time of the program improvedif the CPI of INT and FP instructions is         reduced by 40% and the CPI of L/S and Branch is reduced by 30%?
   9.Explain Branching operations with example
  10.Explain the following addressing modes in detail with diagram

       i)Immediate addressing
       ii)Register addressing, 
       iii)Baseor displacement addressing, 
      iv)PC-relative addressing 
      v)Pseudodirect addressing 


Monday 4 August 2014

Service Oriented Architecture - Important 16 Marks Questions


1.    Characteristics of SOA
2.    Comparing SOA to Client-Server and Distributed Architecture
3.    Principles of Service Orientation
4. Explain in detail, how does the components of SOA inter-relate each other?

for Other Units!..... 
.... will be updated Soon......!!..........
-M. Senthilkumar
-Department of Computer Science Engineering 
Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli.